In 1985, Purim Paks , the very first company to offer  Mishloach Manot in Israel from friends and family overseas, was founded. Based on firm integrity, it came into being with family values and commitment to the very best.
In a dozen cities spanning the USA, loyal family members photo-copied hand-drawn signs to hang in their shuls,  schools and supermarkets. Devoted grandparents in Florida manned the telephones and the mailbox, taking shalach manos orders way past their bedtime, typing away at the Smith-Corona and searching for anyone willing to take a package of order cards to Israel...

Meanwhile, in a 3rd-floor walk-up in Jerusalem, a young couple and their two little "helpers" busily packed the first Purim Pak shalach manos baskets- including delicate, fresh strawberries! There was a $6 discount to those whose loved ones came to pick up the basket themselves...

Thirty-plus years later...
Purim-Paks offers six different options, delivery to all parts of Israel, personalized add-ons, distribution teams in various neighborhoods, an automated website, email contact, DSL line direct to Israel, and the next generation of bright-eyed children are busily "helping" while their Great-grandmother, until 120,  still drums up business way past her bedtime....

True to our roots, Purim Paks, the family shalach manos business, ​continues to deliver value-packed Purim baskets to students and families  ​all over Israel.